MH1812 AY2022/23 Sem 1
Week 2
Course Introduction + Chapter 1 - Elementary Number Theory
My solution to the 2017 Thailand Math Olympiad question (see the YouTube video below)
YouTube videos:
A non-standard proof of the irrationality of root 2 by Michael Penn
5 facts for Prime day! by Michael Penn
An intriguing integer sequence — Sylvester’s Sequence by Michael Penn
Two from Thailand! by Michael Penn
An awesome number theory contest problem by Michael Penn
A prime number quickie! by Michael Penn
Week 3
Chapter 2 - Propositional Logic
Week 4
Week 5
My solution to 2020S1 Question 3
YouTube videos:
Writing numbers in base…. Fibonacci? by Michael Penn
My new favorite proof of Fermat's little theorem!! by Michael Penn
Week 6
YouTube videos:
Olympiad level counting: How many subsets of {1,…,2000} have a sum divisible by 5? by 3Blue1Brown
Counting by Michael Penn
Inclusion-Exclusion by Michael Penn
Week 7
Chapter 6 - Linear recurrence relation
My proof of the characteristic equation method
YouTube videos:
Never real... by Michael Penn
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
YouTube videos:
How An Infinite Hotel Ran Out Of Room by Veritasium
an infinity of infinities by Michael Penn
Math's Fundamental Flaw by Veritasium
Problem Solving | The Pigeonhole Principle by Michael Penn
Week 12
Week 13
Final exam
Counting binary/quinary strings with linear recurrence relation (Q5 of 2020S1 final)